Monday, July 12, 2010

blueberry oatcakes

As a way to distinguish between regular recipe pancakes and heather's oatmeal pancakes, I have made the executive decision to refer to the latter as oatcakes. It's cute and slightly 1930ish sounding, I think.

Anyhoo, my obsession with oatcakes has resulted in the latest of variations:

Blueberry Oatcakes!

Stir in 1 teaspoon of brown sugar into the original recipe (oats, egg whites, vanilla, baking powder) and drop a handful of blueberries into each oatcake.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

update on heather's oatmeal pancakes!

Confession:  Despite the recommendation to add half a banana to Heather's Oatmeal Pancakes recipe, I had never done this before. Until now. And what a grand mistake it was to not try it!!!!

GO! Go forth now, and make yourself a heaping banana oatmeal pancake. If you add it to the full recipe with 1/2 cups of oats and egg whites (as opposed to 1/4 a cup of each), it makes two whopping cakes of heaven and joy.

Other potential variations:
Like banana nut bread? MIX IN WALNUTS!
Like bananas foster? Smoke your bananas and drizzle pancakes with caramel sauce. Eat next to a fireplace or candle for the customary flame.
Like banana pudding?! Crush in some Nilla wafers and scoop a dollop of meringue on top.
Like bananas and chocolate?! Toss in some chips or chunks. Or swirl on chocolate syrup.
Like strawberry-banana?! Ok, this one might get gross if you try to mix in strawberries. But you could try it!
The possibilities are endless.
Just go stick your Jack Johnson CD in and get to the kitchen!

Monday, July 5, 2010

hot hot heat

Summer is halfway over, so I felt it necessary to review my list of things to do, in case I forgot some. And Lord knows I like crossing things off my lists!

- Make a crepe cake! (number one on the list!)
- Work at J. Alexander's (my new job!)
- Celebrate Julianna & Katie B's birthdays
- Host my own birthday get-together
- Attend Katie R & Joy's weddings!!!!!
- Organize my room (it's still a disaster from movefest 2010)
- Get rid of things I haven't used since high school and never will again (I already cleaned out the hs details from my resume... goodbye Valedictorian status/4.0 GPA!)
- Work more wedding coordinating!
- Try something new at Pancake Pantry
- Go to Cantina Laredo (what exactly IS gourmet mexican?)
- RUN!
- Do pilates/yoga.

REVIEW: Hmmm. So, I've crossed out about half of those. Not too shabby!

things one MUST eat during the months of june through august, no exceptions:

- granny's homemade peach ice cream (THE best).
- strawberry pie
- at least one ice cream sandwich
- corn on the cob
- blackberry cobbler
- homegrown tomatoes (mmmmm)
- garden green beans
- baked beans (what is the fourth of july without it?)

REVIEW:  Ok, so I've been slackin' on the summer food front. HOWEVER, I HAVE enjoyed the following.

- blueberry cheesecake pie
- frozen mocha chocolate pie (my FAVORITE pie EVER)
- homemade rolls
- Chipotle's vegetarian burritos (my favorite "fast" food meal:  tortilla filled with black beans, cilantro rice, tomato and corn salsa, guacamole, and lettuce. mmmm!)
- McDonald's vanilla ice cream cones


I should really stop with the food-on-the-go. Why must I live in my car so often?