Wednesday, February 2, 2011

dinner and dash: couscous with veggies!

Simple. Fast. Delicious.

Did I mention it only took five minutes to make?

I actually feel dumb posting the recipe, but here you are...

1/2 cup dry whole wheat couscous
(Boil water. Take pot off hot eye. Pour in dry couscous. Stir and fluff for a few minutes till it's all soaked up.)
3/4 cup veggies (little corn cobs, carrots, peppers, onions, whatever)
Sautee. Add couscous. Stir until all moisture's gone.

Oh, and add salt or your choice of seasoning. 


Pat yourself on the back for eating healthy food like a good girl instead of going with your friends to have fried chicken and the best fries in Nashville at McDougal's. 
You just saved $8 and a guilty meal.

darkest chocolate crepe cake... oh my martha.

Oh my Martha! She's done it again.
And what better to showcase a culinary piece of excellence than a CREPE CAKE on Sweetstacks Crepery?!?!

Tell me you aren't freaking out right now.
I sense a possible V day experiment... ;)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

new substitution on the crepe front!

Everyone who reads this or ever has should know I have a healthy addiction to crepes. I fill them with nutella, raspberries, Cool Whip, peach butter, and beyond. I mix them with oats, drizzle them with chocolate syrup, stick a scoop of ice cream atop of them... I don't think there is a way I DON'T like to serve them! 

I took a hiatus from making crepes for a couple months (you CAN get burned out, believe it or not), but they have come back with a vengeance and a new variation!

Wait for it.... wait for it...

OAT BRAN CREPES! I think you can pretty much substitute it for anything that calls for any type of flour. I want to make oat bran cakes, oat bran cookies... you get the point. I don't know how everything else will turn out, but the oat bran crepes? Phenom.

Here's the newfangled recipe I used:

1/4 c natural toasted oat bran
1/4 c almond milk (unsweetened)
1 tbsp egg whites
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp honey

Mix. Spread on skillet. Cook until combined and slightly browned. Flip and repeat.

Serve with natural almond butter, peanut butter, nutella, or whatever you fancy!
Yes, even ice cream. :)