Monday, July 5, 2010

hot hot heat

Summer is halfway over, so I felt it necessary to review my list of things to do, in case I forgot some. And Lord knows I like crossing things off my lists!

- Make a crepe cake! (number one on the list!)
- Work at J. Alexander's (my new job!)
- Celebrate Julianna & Katie B's birthdays
- Host my own birthday get-together
- Attend Katie R & Joy's weddings!!!!!
- Organize my room (it's still a disaster from movefest 2010)
- Get rid of things I haven't used since high school and never will again (I already cleaned out the hs details from my resume... goodbye Valedictorian status/4.0 GPA!)
- Work more wedding coordinating!
- Try something new at Pancake Pantry
- Go to Cantina Laredo (what exactly IS gourmet mexican?)
- RUN!
- Do pilates/yoga.

REVIEW: Hmmm. So, I've crossed out about half of those. Not too shabby!

things one MUST eat during the months of june through august, no exceptions:

- granny's homemade peach ice cream (THE best).
- strawberry pie
- at least one ice cream sandwich
- corn on the cob
- blackberry cobbler
- homegrown tomatoes (mmmmm)
- garden green beans
- baked beans (what is the fourth of july without it?)

REVIEW:  Ok, so I've been slackin' on the summer food front. HOWEVER, I HAVE enjoyed the following.

- blueberry cheesecake pie
- frozen mocha chocolate pie (my FAVORITE pie EVER)
- homemade rolls
- Chipotle's vegetarian burritos (my favorite "fast" food meal:  tortilla filled with black beans, cilantro rice, tomato and corn salsa, guacamole, and lettuce. mmmm!)
- McDonald's vanilla ice cream cones


I should really stop with the food-on-the-go. Why must I live in my car so often?

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